Πέμπτη 25 Μαρτίου 2010

Άνοιξη !!

Ξεκινάμε δυναμικά και φέτος!!

Μετά από μια καλή διεγερτική τροφοδότηση τον τελευταίο μήνα και μια καλή διαίρεση στα δυνατά μελίσσια μας , είμαστε έτοιμοι να υποδεχτούμε και αυτήν την μελισσοκομική χρονιά!

Βασικά ξεκινήσαμε με μια σπέσιαλ βασιλοτροφια για να τροφοδοτήσουμε τα αδύνατα αλλά και τα νέα μελίσσια μας με δυναμικούς «πρώτους» (βασίλισσες).

Στην πορεία τοποθετήσαμε μερικές γυρεοπαγιδες για της ανάγκες δικέ μας αλλά και μερικών καλών φίλων, δεν κάνω μεγάλο άνοιγμα προς το παρών πάνω σε αυτό το θέμα διότι ακόμα ο κόσμος δεν γνωρίζει την δύναμη της γύρης!!!

Κατά ένα περίεργο τρόπο τα μικρά τα δικά μου αλλά και τα γειτονάκια , όταν ακούνε ότι θα πάω στης μέλισσες για να μαζέψω γύρη………. παθαίνουν πανικό!!!!!!!!!! πανηγύρι σωστό στήνετε!!! Μπορεί να παρακαλώ της κόρες μου να μου φέρουν ένα ποτήρι νερό ( άλλες φορές τις απειλώ με διάφορες τιμωρίες!!! )αλλά όταν ακούνε μάζεμα γύρης τρελαίνονται ποια θα πάει να την μαζέψει!!!! Δεν μπορώ να το καταλάβω αυτό!!!

Έτσι και σήμερα πήρα και την φωτογραφική μηχανή μαζί μου για να το αποθανατίσω αυτό το γεγονός!!!

Μαζί μας βέβαια και η σοραγια!!! Η σκυλίτσα της γειτονιάς ….. καλύτερα να έλεγα ο συναγερμός της γειτονιάς μας, όσο μπόι της λείπει τόση καρδιά έχει!! Δεν μπαίνει κανείς στο αδιέξοδο στενό μας χωρίς να σημάνει συναγερμός!!! Άσε που πηγαίνει και φέρνει όλα τα γειτονάκια στα φροντιστήρια και στα σχολεία παρέα!!

Επί το έργο και …….χωρίς κουκούλες!!!!!!!!

Μετά από δυο μέρες φυσικού στεγνώματος πάνω σε δίσκους και ταψιά της κυράς Τασούλας (καταλαβαίνετε τι μουρμούρα επικρατεί!!). Αρχίζει το καθάρισμα από τα διάφορα ξένα σώματα, και μετά πορεία για τον καταψύκτη!!

Μια λεπτομέρεια εδώ…… δεν την βάζω κατευθείαν στην κατάψυξη διότι είναι μέσα της παρά πολλά μερμήγκια!! Μετά από δυο μέρες την έχουν κοπανίσει όλα και είμαι πολύ πιο άνετος για το ξεκαθάρισμα!

Πέμπτη 11 Μαρτίου 2010

Το πρόγραμμα του διεθνές συμβουλίου !

Το πρόγραμμα του διεθνές συμβουλίου έτσι όπως διαμορφώθηκε από τον κύριο Θρασυβούλου!

Wednesday  April 7th
International Honey Commission Meeting
08:00-10:00 Registration,
10:00-14:00 IHC Meeting

Werner von der Ohe, Chairman,                Stefan Bogdanov, Vice-Chairman
1. New IHC members since last meeting

2. Current work of the different groups
Reports of activity leaders and short presentations of a maximum of 10 minutes each, plus discussion of 5 minutes

3.1. Residues  (Anne Claire Martel, FR)
-Monitoring of PDCB residues in Switzerland

Christina Kast, CH
3.2.Botanical and Geographical Origin of Honey (A.Thrasyvoulou, GR)
-Honeydew honeys of Europe
-Traceability of the botanical origin of honey: determination by real time PCR

Andreas Thrasyvoulou
Gian Luigi Marcazzan, IT
3.3. Pollen (Maria Campos, PT)

3.4 Beeswax
Joachim Roth, D; Stefan Bogdanov, CH
3.5. Royal Jelly (Anna Gloria Sabatini I)

3.6. Propolis (Vassya Bankova, BG)

3.7. Melipona honey (Ligia Almeida, BR)
-Entomological origin of stingless bee honey as a contribution of Prof. Camargo, an exper in biogeography
-A stingless bee honey database on a website repository
-Book project: Pot honey: A legacy of stingless bees
Ligia Almeida, BR
Patricia Vit  (VE)

Patricia Vit
Patricia Vit
3.8. Honey of Asian bees (Surrendra Joshi, NP)

3.9. Melissopalynology  (Werner von der Ohe, DE)

3.10. Sensory Analysis (Lucia Piana, I)
Lucia Piana, I
3.11. Adulteration (Lutz Elflein, DE)
-Adulteration of honey: current situation - reference database update - new analytical developments.
Lutz Elflein, DE

3.12. Organic honey  (Stefan Bogdanov CH)
-Apimondia Conference in Bulgaria

Stefan Bogdanov CH
3.13. Apimedical Science (Peter Gallmann, CH)
Stefan Bogdanov CH
3.14. Good Honey Production

3.15. Honey Analysis Methods (Teresa Sancho, ES)
-Improvements of Phadebas® for the Phadebas Diastase Test
Bipea - organiser of proficiency testing schemes for honey
-Participation results of Apiculture Division laboratory in Pulawy (Poland) in proficiency test for honey organised by Bipea.

Teresa Sancho, ES
Eric Johnson, SE
Bruno Berken
Ewa Waś, Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, Teresa Szczęsna, Katarzyna Kachaniuk
3.16. Honey Microbiology
Alejandra Vasquez and Tobias Olfafson, SE
4. Varia Control, legislation, market, others, next meeting

Conference excursion to Omalos

Thursday  April 8th    
 2nd World Honeydew Honey Symposium (Bogdanov, Thrasyvoulou)

Presentations of a maximum of 10 minutes each, plus discussion of 5 minutes
Opening Ceremony
A review of the biological and functional properties of honeydew honeys in comparison to blossom honeys
Stefan Bogdanov
Differentiation of honeydew honey and blossom honey according to their sugar profile
Bentabol Manzanares, A.;  Hernández García, Z., Rodríguez Galdón, B.; Rodríguez Rodríguez E.; and Díaz Romero, C.
First estimations for the chesnut honeydew typification in Spain.

León-Ruiz, V.; González-Porto, A.V.; Rodrigo-Medina, S; Escuredo O., Chouza M. & Seijo C.
Comparison of volatile and semi-volatile compounds isolated from six types of Greek monofloral honeys
Tananaki Ch., Thrasyvoulou A.
Composition and properties of two unique honeys from the boreal coniferous forest zone: fireweed and raspberry honey
Anneli Salonen, Riitta Julkunen-Tiitto
Interpretation of Indian unifloral honey quality data by pattern recognition techniques.
Vikas Nanda and Bahadur Singh
Slovene honey - protected geographical indication.
Andreja Kandolf, Adriana Pereyra Gonzales, Nataša Lilek

Uni-floral honey analysis commercialized in Catalonia (Spain)
Garcés, S., González-Porto, A.V. & J. Cambra

Bee farming in Africa
Mugisha Fred

Natural honey: a healthy source of dietary fructose.
Ajibola Abdulwahid
Coffee break  and Poster exhibition
Volatile and semivolatile components of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum honeys from Gran Canaria (Spain).
Jiménez-Pulido, A; Sancho, MT, Sanjuán, E.; Millán, R., and Fernández-Muiño a
Eeucalyptus occidentalis endl. unifloral honey: physicochemical, melissopalynological and organoleptic characteristics.
Piana Maria Lucia , Belligoli Paola, Sesta Giulio, Lusco Lorenzo, Persano Oddo Livia

Lead and cadmium in honey dew and blossom honeys  originated from different regions of Greece in the year 2009

S. Samargi  and  E. Gouta

Honey bees of western Turkey and pine honey
Irfan Kandemir and Ayça Ozkan
Lunch at MAIC
Join Meeting  with Entomologissst (Bogdanov, Harizanis, Gounari)
Biology and phenology of Neoleucaspis kartliana (tanacsijshuk) (Diptera: chamaemyiidae) on Marchalina hellenica genn. (Hemiptera: Marchalinidae) in Turkey
 Ülgentürk S., Civelek S.H., Ayhan B. Dursun O. &  Sahin Ö.

Biology and phenology of Marchalina hellenica genn. (Hemiptera: Marchalinidae) in Greece
Sofia Gounari
Pine and fir tree honeys: a review of the two pillars of beekeeping in Greece
Spyros Skareas

Supported colony management system for ıncreasing honey production.
Muhsin Doğaroğlu
Conference excursion to Rethymno

Friday April 9th
Authenticity and Quality of bee products  (Ligia Almeida-Muradian, Harizanis Paschalis, Bogdanov).

Presentations of a maximum of 10 minutes each, plus discussion of 5 minutes
Prediction of 16 physicochemical measurands of honey using FT-IR ATR

Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian, Werner Luginbühl, Peter Gallmann, René Badertscher
Chromatography analysis of carbohydrates used in quality control of honeys.
Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, Teresa Szczęsna, Ewa Waś, Katarzyna Kachaniuk
HPLC determination of maltodexstrins used for detection of honey adulteration by starch syrups
Teresa Szczęsna, Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, Ewa Waś, Katarzyna Kachaniuk, Dariusz Gerula
Development of a screening method for the authentication of the botanical origin of honey by mid-infrared spectroscopy
Martina Janke, Kathrin Kemper, Laila Ettalibi, Werner von der Ohe
Solid-phase extraction for the determination. of organic acids in honey
S. Oelschlaegel,  R. Esche,  I. Koelling-Speer,  K. Speer
Simultaneous analysis of phenolic acids and flavonoids in honey
K Speer , S Trautvetter, I Koelling -Speer
Analysis of the volatile fraction composition in the bee pollen loads in Spain
Ana Rosa Quintana-Edesa, Amelia Virginia González-Porto, M Teresa Sancho-Ortíz, Miguel Ángel Fernández-Muiño
Analysis of French royal jelly for quality and authenticity controls.
Casabianca  H., Daniele G.
The content of fatty acids in monofloral pollen loads
Róbert CHLEBO, Martin Melich, Miroslava KaČÁniovÁ
Protein content and sugar composition of bee-collected pollen from selected botanical origins
Liolios V. , Tananaki C. , Dimou M. , Kanelis D. , Thrasyvoulou A
Coffee break
Vitamin B2 stability of dried bee pollen during storage.
Aline Aparecida Santos Pereira, Vanilda Aparecida Soares de Arruda, Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian
Inhibition activity of ethanol extract of propolis (EEP) relation mycotoxigenic fungi
Karina Grigoryan, Mariam Sargsyan, Lusine Hakobyan, Grigor Badalyan
12:30 -12:45
Is Portugal a country of propolis diversity?
S.I. Falcão, V. Batista, S. M. Cardoso, M. R.M. Domingues, M. Vilas-Boas
Parameters that affect in protein and sugar content in royal jelly.
Kanelis D., Tananaki Ch., Lazaridou E., Liolios V., Thrasyvoulou A.
Physicochemical and palynological analysis of brazilian Apis mellifera bee and stingless bee (Tetragonisca angustula) honey
Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian, Graziela Leal Sousa, Alex da Silva de Freitas, Ortrud Monika Barth.
14:00- 17:00
Conference excursion to Anopolis

Saturday April 10th
Post –Conference excursion to Knossos Lasithi (one day)


Poster title
Valorisation of the honey food chain: traceability and botanical origin
Morcia C. , Cafiero C. , Faccioli P. , Gardini S, Marcazzan G.L. Savoldelli J. Spini M., Terzi V, Valentini M
The bee perga-ecological food and valuable protein concentrate of patients suffering  from  android obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Evgeni Petkov
Non-authentic enzymes in honey.

Michal Bednar, Dalibor Titera
Identification of aromatic patterns by electronic nose and multivariate analysis of Colombian stingless bee honey.
Consuelo Díaz M, Carlos M. Zuluaga D, Martha C. Quicazán de C
Effect of heat on honey volatile compounds.

Alissandrakis and P. Harizanis.
Volatile composition of honeydew honey from different geographical origins by HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis

Silvia Sponza, Lanfranco Conte, Mojca Korošec, Dražen Lušić, Chlodwig Franz, Johannes Novak
Honeydew honeys characterized by their antioxidant activity, flavonoid and polyphenol contents
Rodríguez-Malaver AJ, Sancho MT, Gutiérrez MG,Thrasyvoulou A, Vit P
Total flavonoid content of honeys from Burgos (Spain) and its relationship with electrical conductivity

Fernández-Muiño MA, Sánchez-Susinos E, Cavia MM, Alonso-Torre SR, and Sancho, MT.
Comparison of ultrasonic solvent extracts of Salix spp. honeydew and nectar honey
Igor Jerković, Zvonimir Marijanović, Dragan Bubalo, Nikola Kezić
Antioxidant activity of honeys from Burgos (Spain) and its relationship with total phenolic content .

Sancho MT, Sánchez-Susinos E, Alonso-Torre SR, Cavia MM, and Fernandez-Muiño MA.
Characterization of Sierra Morena (South Spain) eucalyptus honey

Rodriguez, I; Serrano, S.; Jodral, M.; Galan, H.; Ubera, J.L.; Vicente,M.; and Carmona, R
Characterization of Sierra Morena (South Spain) Echium honey.
Rodriguez, I; Serrano, S.; Jodral, M.; Galan, H.; Ubera, J.L.; Vicente,M.; and Carmona, R.
Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) honey features in south Spain.
Ubera, J. Granados,C.; Royo, M.; Rodríguez, I; Serrano, S.; Jodral, M. and Galán, H.
Chemical composition of several monofloral Cuban honeys and its correlation with color and their antioxidant capacity.
Alvarez-Suarez J.M , , Romandini S , Giampieri F, Vidal-Novoa A , Battino M
Total antioxidant capacity and free radical formation of several Cuban honeys from different floral sources with possible antibacterial activity.
Alvarez-Suarez J.M , , Romandini S , Giampieri F  Vidal-Novoa A , Battino M

Chemometrics and mineral content for the identification of geographical origins of Spanish honeys.
Suárez-Luque S., Mato I, Huidobro JF, Simal-Lozano J, and Sancho MT
Identification of botanical origin of honeys by their physicochemical properties and mineral content.
Suárez-Luque S., Mato I, Huidobro JF, Simal-Lozano J, and Sancho MT
Determination of physicochemical characteristics of honeys comparing fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and reference methods.
Christina Kast and Verena Kilchenmann

Determination of benzo(a)pyrene in beeswax .
Corredera, L., Bayarri, S., Pérez, C., Lázaro, R., Herrera, A.
Identification  of  unknown  colour  in  honey  using  UPLC/TOF and HPLC/MS/MS.

Robert Germuska, Eva Hrnciarikova, Michaela Vierikova
Occurrence of microscopic elements and their relation with the origin of honey
Escuredo O., Seijo M. C. & Chouza M
Comparison of Aroma Profile of Turkish and Greek Pine Honey Samples".
Sunay Asli-Elif, Chrysoula Tananaki

Τριήμερο μελισσοκομικό εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο!

Ο ΕΛΓΟ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ με συνεργασία με τον Μελισσοκομικό Σύλλογο Νομού Χανίων " Η ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ" διοργανώνει τριήμερο μελισσοκομικό εκπαιδευτι...